Connecting the Arts and Social Justice to Envision and Act for Change
SOCIAL JUSTICE = “justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunity, and privilege within a society.”
What’s art got to do with it?
ART = “the application of human creative skill and imagination to produce works appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”
Art can expose the realities of a social order, including the distribution of wealth, opportunity, and privilege. Art can also help us imagine a more just order—by virtue of its content and by virtue of how it is presented, discussed, and taught.
If art helps us imagine a more just social order, though, just who does the imagining? Who defines and enacts SOCIAL JUSTICE ART practices?
You do! And we hope that you will join us to look at art making and the production and consumption of art in the light of the social justice:
The distribution of wealth, opportunity, and privilege within a society.
We hope you will join us, whatever your relationship is to the arts and to social justice.